Tuesday, November 10, 2009

11/11/11 It's Your Day to Get Something Started!


I wanted to alert everyone, if you aren't already aware, that tomorrow is an amazing chance to manifest. The date is 11/11/11 (2+0+0+9 = 11). One and eleven are major manifesting numbers, indicating "new beginnings". So tomorrow is the best day to get things going.

There is an excellent summary of what this date is all about by Hans Decoz, at http://www.tarot.com/, at the following link: http://tarot.com/articles/numerology/numerology-november-11-2009?feature=ds-t2-ln-111109&

Here is an excerpt:
"In Numerology, three specific numbers are recognized as "Master numbers," because they are more influential than any other number. Those Master numbers are 11, 22 and 33. That's why November 11, 2009 is such an important date in Numerology: it's known as a "33 Universal Day," and for most of us, it will be the first we've ever experienced in our lifetimes. Considering that 33 is the most powerful as well as the rarest of the three Master numbers, it's worth noting that this rarity occurs twice in November 2009: November 11 and November 29. To get a bit more technical, not only do these two dates add up to 33, but they are also the only two days between 2000 and 2017 that form a perfect triangle of 11-11-11 (the year 2009 reduces to 11 when adding 2 and 9)...."

Read the rest of the article for more info on this great day.

In other manifesting news....If you would like another perspective or just some confirmation on issues going in your own life, I have a few openings in before Christmas to perform "journeys" for readers of this blog. You can read more about "journeys" by choosing the "journeying" category on the right side of this blog, and reading the actual journeys of others.

If you wish to purchase a journey for yourself (or for someone for Christmas), email me at conduitofjoy@hotmail.com.

Now get out there and start manifesting!

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