Thursday, December 17, 2009

As I enter the Christmas season, like many others, I vow to enjoy the holidays more. Part of doing this, means identifying things that I don’t enjoy and trying to change those things. I’m going to be mindful of a few simple things to help me navigate the Christmas season.

1. Take time for yourself.

To me, this is often the best gift of all. Slow down, even though the craziness of Christmas, is urging you to speed along crazily. Take some alone time, even if it is only 10 minutes every day, to quite your mind and you will feel much better.

The craziness of the season sometimes whips us into unconscious patterns without us even realizing it. A good way to avoid this is to take time to ground yourself when you feel yourself spiraling out of control. Picture yourself as a tree with your roots going into the ground. Breathe deeply to the count of 8, hold it for a couple of counts, and then do a long exhale. The deep breathing will relax you and ground you as well.

Being outside in nature is also a good way to ground yourself, and be by yourself at the same time.

2. Be in the present, and be conscious of what you are doing.
Being conscious and present for me, involves being aware of those unconscious patterns I have inherited from my own family. While I also inherited many wonderful Christmas traditions, one of my ways of honoring my heritage and myself at the same time, is trying not to re-create those unconscious patterns around Christmas which have wounded me and others.

I read an excellent article suggesting raising your energy, prior to going into family situations where old patterns might be unconsciously activated.

The article suggested raising your vibration prior to the event (this can be done even by singing a favourite Christmas carol). If you notice an old pattern surfacing, you can interrupt it. You can remove yourself from the situation, or speak positively about something in the other person’s life.

The whole idea is just to change the energy of the pattern, so you aren’t replicating the same pattern. Even if you just change the situation energetically by sending positive thought energy to the other person, you can raise their vibration.

3. Practice gratitude!!

It becomes easy to complain about the stress of Christmas. However, it is a good time to remember how much we really do have, and to be thankful for all of those good things.

Try to enjoy the simple gifts that Christmas brings, wherever you are. Pay attention to your senses, and bring yourself back into your body. Focus on the sound of the snow crunching under your boots, the smell of a freshly cut Christmas tree, the twinkling of beautiful Christmas lights, the sounds of carols or children laughing.

Focus on all the positive aspects of your life, even if you feel like you don’t have many. Even if your family is driving you crazy, you have family to make you crazy. Even if you don't like your gifts, you are receiving gifts.

If you are feeling lonely or depressed, you can still feel gratitude. It is amazing how helping others, or experiencing the misfortune of others can cure you of your pity party.

The worst Christmas I ever had was when my partner of 5 years left me right before Christmas, I hated my job, and my mother and sister were out of the country. I was very depressed, suicidal, and did not want to celebrate Christmas.

I came home from the city I lived in, to celebrate with my father. My father was single too, depressed, and had not thought about the need to prepare Christmas supper. As we discovered the hard way, no restaurants are open on Christmas day. As we drove around town trying to find a restaurant, we ended up at a truck stop for our Christmas supper. After observing the people around us, and listening to their conversations, I have never been so happy for what I had. I only had to endure my “misfortune” one day of the year, but those around me had virtually none of the options that I did. It really showed me how much I had in my life.

I hope these simple techniques can help combat some of the craziness of the season. Christmas can be a magical time, if you can keep in mind and follow what the spirit of Christmas means to you.

Merry Christmas! Enjoy!

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