Monday, October 19, 2009

Intuition - The Gift That Keeps On Giving

An old friend of mine was in town a few weeks ago from a far away city. I don’t see him very often, but he is one of my oldest and dearest friends. Because I don’t see him often, I wanted to get him something for his birthday, that would remind him of me.

We only had two hours to spend together and I had to pick him up on the other side of town. I asked him if he wanted to stop at a rock shop on the drive back to my house as I was working on developing my intuition, and shopping would be an easy and fun way to exercise that muscle. The shop is near my house, but I had never actually stopped there in the six years I have lived in the neighborhood.

Before we entered the store, I told him that I wanted him to “feel around” with his intuition and see if there was anything in the store that he would like. “To the left” he said immediately and without hesitation as we entered the store.

We veered to the left side of the store and encountered a floor-to-ceiling shelf with all kinds of rock knick-knacks on it. He was immediately drawn to a butterfly made out of variegated orange agate rock slices, hinged in the middle with the bronze body of a butterfly. “I really don’t need more knick-knacks. But I love this!” he said. I encouraged him to keep it with him while we looked around the store.

We found a rock reference book and looked up the meaning of orange agate. We went to the cash desk and I bought it for him. We had only been in the store for about 9 minutes tops, including it took the time to look in the rock reference books.

I was thrilled that we got to use our intuition and that it was so easy. Most of all I was thrilled to get him a gift that he liked.

Flash-forward to yesterday…..I was having a horrible day. I had very little sleep for two nights in a row, I was having a horrible period and everything seemed gloomy. Work was crushing and overwhelming. It looked like an upcoming party was not going to happen. I had no love for myself and it didn’t feel like anybody else had love for me either.

I was sitting in my car wondering if I could make it through the entire afternoon without falling asleep or crying my eyes out. I asked out loud for the Universe to give me just one concrete sign that I was loved.

I dragged myself back up to my office and sat down in my chair. I was sitting deciding whether I should let myself have a full-blown cry before I tackled the rest of my work. At that very second my cell phone rang.

It was my friend. He was calling in the middle of the day from his city. He said “Hi, I just wanted to call you and tell you I love this butterfly!” “Thank God you did”, I said, “I was just going to have a total meltdown because I feel like I don’t have friends.”

He told me that he felt like he was just “supposed” to call me. “Quite often I don’t listen to these impulses, because I’m not in a good mood or I have to have a shower or whatever. But I just thought I should call you, so I did.”

What a great and magical intuitive tool that butterfly is! When I dug deeper the meanings of the orange butterfly were even more interesting. Orange is associated with the second chakra - all about personal power, creative and emotion related energies, according to If your sacral chakra is in balance, then you find yourself on an even keel. An unbalanced sacral chakra can affect your creativity, blocking the ability to come up with new artistic works, or to create new ideas to solve issues in your life.
The fact that his butterfly was orange is significant for many reasons. We met each other through the arts, and my friend works as a professional artist. Yesterday, my sacral chakra was out of balance as I was riding the roller coaster of emotions all the way down. The Universe found a delightful way to balance my sacral chakra out and also continue to surprise me.

According to A. Venefica,, butterfly symbolism speaks of resurrection, transition, celebration, lightness, time, and soul.
In many cultures’ myths the butterfly is a symbol of transformation because of its impressive metamorphosis. The pupae’s entire life changes to such an extreme it is unrecognizable at the end of the transformation. The deepest symbolic lesson of the butterfly is that she asks us to accept the changes in our lives as she does. She unquestioningly embraces the changes in her environment and her body.

The butterfly’s unwavering acceptance of her metamorphosis is also symbolic of faith. The butterfly beckons us to keep our faith as we undergo transitions in our lives. In Greek myth, Psyche is represented in the form of a butterfly and is forever linked with love as she and Eros shared an endlessly passionate bond together.

The butterfly was working as a two way receiver, connecting us with love and beckoning us to keep our faith as we both travelled through transition.

Gotta love intuition, yet again.


  1. Hi Kara,
    What a lovely parable; proof we are all connected (even in seeming moments of "dis"connect)...or plugged-in to an infinite network whose core language is intuition.

    And, as intuition (in my view) is fueled by a higher brand of harmony - your friend's call is another confirmation of our connectivity.

    I particularly value your observation: "The Butterfly works as a two-way receiver."

    Thanks for this blog Kara, and keep writing. Your insights coax greatness from us all.

    High beams,
    Avia Venefica

  2. Thanks for your encouraging comments! They mean alot as I really admire your "empire of symbols", and look up symbolic meanings on your sites alot.

    I love your comment about intuition being "fueled by a higher brand of harmony". It's even more poetic in this instance as my friend and I sang together, and literally harmonized for years.


  3. So I have a bad memory with colours and I remember this being about a pink butterfly...

    I was just at a course and this lady came up and had a pink butterfly jewlery thing on her jacket, I said "I know I have to talk to you!" and told her about your post. So this person in about 10 minutes helped me more redefine my business and what it's becoming, amazing! My business will never be the same.

    I just love how connected we all are and how blessed I am to read your inspiring, synchronistic posts! Thanks Kara!

