Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Journey: Forging Your Hands on the Way to the Valley

I am publishing some actual journeys so that those interested in having journeys done for them, can get an idea of the type of information that I may come back with for them, and what the experience is like. Since it can be difficult to describe what a journey message is like, I thought it would be best to demonstrate through actual journey accounts.

I did a journey for K with the intention of “what does the word “transformation” mean for K”? What messages are there for her around “transformation”?

I dove into the water to head out for my journey. However, apparently I was supposed to go up to the Upper World instead. So I did about three somersaults in the air, as I flipped up to into the Higher Realm. A dolphin popped out of the air and playfully did a jump for me before disappearing. I saw two more dolphins do the same thing for me as I continued up. This dolphin gave me confirmation that he was K’s main spirit guide at this time.

I asked for guidance/messages about what “transformation” means, on behalf of K. I had to wait a bit but I was finally shown a message.

K was standing there looking at her hands, or more correctly, the absence of her hands. Instead of hands, there was “nothing” in the shape of her hands - void space, black matter. I asked for clarification on the messages for K, about her hands. The message was around “no hands = no identity” (fingerprints identify an individual person, etc.).

I kept waiting and soon flesh color began to pour in the “molds” where there was currently void space. Eventually new hands formed and she got an entirely new set of hands. This did not happen quickly, so the message was also about how it will take some time to forge a new identity. But when the hands were “done”, they were fully and completely formed complete with new lines in the hands, and new fingerprints, and K had a different and new identity.

I asked for further messages, and was kept waiting for awhile. Finally I was shown K, making her way down a mountain with terraces (as in photos of rice growing on mountains in Asia). K would have to drop her body down over the side of a terrace and trust that she would land on the top of the next terrace. I asked for clarification, and received that she had already reached the top of the mountain, and climbed over it, but that she must now be careful and take her time on the way down.

K was wearing burgundy dress pants with a button at each ankle, and cream-colored dress shoes with a little heel. (I mentioned this to K, as I didn’t have a clue what it meant, but since it made itself known as a detail to me, it might have some significance for her.) Each time she dropped down onto the next terrace she landed on the little heel of her shoe and then carefully put the rest of her foot down.

She slowly progressed all the way down the terraces, but it took time and effort for each step down. She had to learn to trust yourself on each terrace, and take a little leap downward, but each time she did, it was fine and worked out for you. The feelings around this message were learning to trust herself (your intuition and experience) and also the Universe’s process. The message was, if K was willing to trust a little with each step, and stretch a little, things will be fine, and she would continue to build on the last step until you reach where you wish to go.

Symbolism and Analysis
When K and I looked at the symbolism in K’s journey some of the most significant messages to K were:

Slowness/patience in my process – It took time for me to receive messages.
This slow moving pace reflects the patience that K will have to exercise in forming her new identity and moving up to the next stage in her work and her life. K actually pointed this out to me, and I agreed with her.

Dolphin – Dolphins have many meanings but some of them are duality (with both lunar and solar symbolism, air/water breather), living in two worlds, playfulness, grace.
K really related to the meaning of her dolphin’s duality "being in two worlds at once." Her new project was really about being in two different types of worlds. Also her new project involves children and playfulness. I suggested that since her new project was also just being “born” that perhaps the dolphin could be representative of that, since dolphin is from the Greek word for womb.

Hands – This was the strongest image in the journey. The hand has long been thought as a conduit of power – transforming unseen energy into the world of form. The Latin word for manifestation is formed around the world manus which is the Latin word for hand. Hands also speak to balance, since there are two of them. In Celtic mythology they were thought to harbour energetic powers. (Thanks again to www.whats-your-sign.com for help with the symbols).

K resonated strongly with what I thought about the meaning of the hands and slowly forging a new identity for herself. She related that she was trying to detach from her ego, and was learning to be a neutral observer. K felt strongly about the phrase “conduit of power” in relation to her hands. It jumped out at her (and me) as she was reading the typed-up version of her journey. She is in the middle of a transition and she is discovering new skills and new sources of personal power.

I told K that the feeling behind the hands was so strong, it felt to me as though she might even be changing her destiny. K agreed that she felt the same way.

Mountains - Meanings of mountains can represent challenges, acquisition, accomplishment and aspirations.

The mountain symbolism was particularly interesting to me, as it had deep meaning to K. K had recently had a vision of her new life and going into a valley. The valley was a place of joy and ease, with only nature, and filled with children. She knew her vision was telling her that she was progressing towards the valley. Hence her travels “down the mountain” were very significant to her, as was the trust she was required to develop at each “step”.

When I asked her about her crazy ensemble of red pants and creamy white shoes with heels, she said that lately she had really been attracted to the color red, that she had never worn red before now in her life, and that it was a color of power to her. I asked her if she thought the pants were her “power pants”. The pants were children’s pants, which perhaps symbolized her new project with children, or that she had to more child-like and trust her intuition.

She also thought the heel on the shoes were significant. She told me that in her life, her feet symbolize moving forward. In fact, the day I was talking to her she had just injured her foot, which she took to mean that she was resisting learning to trust the unknown. The fact that in the journey she was landing on her feet and in particular her heels, every time she took a step down onto each “steppe”, meant to her, that she was “healing” with each step of the way down the mountain towards her valley.

Other stuff: K also noticed the appearance of “three” throughout her journey (3 somersaults, 3 dolphins) as three had been appearing in her life a lot lately.

K said that this journey grounded her, and confirmed for her, that she should be doing what she is doing at this present point in time.

Once again, thanks to K for allowing me to share this with anyone reading this blog! As always, journeys are so interesting to me and fun to do.

Thanks again for symbolism stuff to:  http://www.whats-your-sign.com/

Beautiful photo by: hannan http://www.flickr.com/photos/hanaan/

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